11+ Story Writing Pack

11+ Story Writing Pack

Service Description

The Story Writing pack takes the student through the various types of story writing. Story writing is an integral part of creative writing, both in schools and entrance exams. Often children have trouble in writing memorable stories. This pack will help them structure their stories better while learning to use figurative and sensory language to describe the setting and characters.


Here are some of the specific types of stories covered in the pack:


  1. Story with given Titles
  2. Story with given Openers
  3. Story with given Endings
  4. Story where Ingredients are given
  5. Story from the Point of view of an object
  6. Story based on a Picture
  7. Story based on a Setting
  8. Story with a Flashback
  9. Story that is a Retake on a fairy tale
  10. Story from Point of view of another character in a fairy tale, book or film

What is included in this pack?


1. Ten comprehensive guidances (written notes)

One guidance for each of the above sub-genre is given to improve your child's imagination for each type of story and advice on what to include and what not to.


2. Ten different assignments (writing tasks)

One assignment for each of the above sub-genre. Each assignment has a detailed guidance (prompts and instructions) to help your child to complete the assignment.


3. Evaluation and Feedback Service for all ten assignments


Upon receipt of the payment, you will be emailed the entire writing pack in one go. You then decide the pace at which the completed assignments are returned to us. You can return all at once or separately, as and when they are completed. Within 48 working hours of receipt of each completed assignment, we will evaluate and return it to you with a detailed feedback and grading.

Payment Instruction

This is one-time, non-refundable fee.